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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Ayahusca music recording session by the igarape at the Yawanawa Festival 2011, Acre, Brazil. This song calls the force of rapé, shuru, tobacco, and many animals of the forest. Musicians from left to right are Tuim Huni Kui, Ninawa Pai da Mata, Ninawa's brother, Thiago Moreno Maia.

Below is the song of Seu Agostinho, the revered Pajé (Shaman) who passed to the astral in late December 2011. The audio is weak at times but It brings much joy to have these pictures of  this much loved man.

Recorded on November 26, 2011, one month before the passing of Seu Augustino by a film crew in Village Novo Segredo, visiting the park of medicinal plants.  He sings -- sitting at the foot of a great Samaúma tree -- the song that he received a meditation after the consecration of medicines made ​​from flowers, a great gift ... he will be mised forever .

And here is a re-post of the Call of the Samaúma, a video produced by the World Bank in a moment of true inspiration:

Thanks to Eduardo Bayer for posting clips from the 2011 Yawanawa Festival in Acre.

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